Read Book I text available at: journals due on Oct. 7 Guidance questions: 1. what are people pursuing in the end? 2. what are the criteria of happiness? 3. What is the function of man?
I think what this is trying to say is that everyone is pursuing happiness not because of it consequence? but because it for itself is all you desire. That happiness is the best thing that anyone can experience. But to experience it you have to be a good and virtuous man. And as said in class a virtuous man is one that practices good on all fronts even when it in no way benefits him and even if it hurts him, but he is doing it for the sake of being virtuous. In doing and practicing these actions he will naturally obtain happiness which is the best thing one can achieve.?
Book I had a lot of talk about virtue, happiness and the goods of life. What he mentions in most of he places is seeking the good. In the book, he quotes, "The life of money-making is one undertaken under compulsion, and wealth is evidently not the good we are seeking; for it is merely useful and for the sake of something else. And so one might rather take the aforenamed objects to be ends; for they are loved for themselves.But it is evident that not even these are ends;yet many arguments have been thrown away in support of them. Let us leave this subject,then." From this I came to a conclusion that he definitely thinks that wealth cant bring the true good. It may satisfy the human needs, but real good is not in money or material. Talking about pleasure, he mentions "Their life is also in itself pleasant. For pleasure is a state of soul, and to each man that which he is said to be a lover of is pleasant." Pleasure, is one necessity for happiness, according to him. But some of the parts were confusing to me as well, especially when he says if happiness is to be acquired by learning or by habituation, or some other type of training, or it comes in virtue of some divine providence.
I believe that people are trying to pursuit happiness, which is considered a good. A person is not complete without happiness. In other words, if a person possess the virtue of beuty, which is also considered a good, that person is not complete of he/she does not possess the good of happiness. However, having a virtue is always good but a the same time being happy is good as well. Moreover, I think that the function of man is to identify happiness with pleasure. For example, to identify this good, the man has to enjoy what he likes in life in order for him to pursuit happiness.
i think that what people are persuing in the end is happiness,happiness for their own sake. Different people have differen opinion on what happines realy is for some luxury and pleasure is happiness,for others intelligent and virtues, but intelligent and virtues are not only god on their self but good because they make us happy.Happiness is the highest good in life, people do things in life so that they can be happy. And i believe that the fuction man have in life is to seek for happiness on all the things they do in life.
In the text he mentions three types of people that enjoy happiness from there lifestyles. The person who enjoys happiness in wealth the person who enjoys being a political head and the person who is contemplative. He mentions most of these people are finding happiness in other things rather than true happiness. Obviously to achieve true happiness you need to know what happiness is. You need to be happy for the sake of goodness and goodness can be achieved through being pious and just. So can a regular person achieve happiness easily? or does that person have to really think about what hes doing to achieve happiness and what the consequences are?
After reading the text I think the author is saying that people are pursuing some type of "good".The criteria for happiness is the "good life" and "good action".The author states "The funtion of man is an activity of soul which follows a rational principle". I think what the author is saying that no matter what people pursue in life; ultimately they want to be happy. If People get honour , pleasure, and money; they want those things to make them happy. So happiness is the " chief good" because people want happiness for itself, not for the sake of something else.
From reading book 1 I definitely concluded that throughout society let alone history itself men always strived for happiness. Whether the happiness comes from wealth.politically, or even just thinking about happiness, truly enjoying happiness is the key to living a good life. In my opinion, you cannot truly reach happiness through means of money, but it is key to obtaining that goal. For example, the homeless or the poor cannot foresee true happiness for it is almost impossible being that they have to stress when are they receiving their next meal, where are they going to sleep that night, and if they even have clothes on there back to keep them warm. Everyone has their duties in life, and for many their duties are their careers, feeding their family, even getting that A for their final grade. But deep down beyond all of that what everyone really wants out of their lives is true happiness. I really do believe everyone's manifest function in life is to find true happiness and their sense of belief of achieving true happiness. Everything else, careers,clothing,success,grades, and so on are only latent functions of what people believe are their duties in life. a young man grows old not succeeding in his life and becoming wealthy (which is almost on everyones mind and goals now) he will face unhappiness but only because society has made these standards to live by. He will grow old never understanding true happiness, nor will he truly ever feel happy. So, why search for happiness when everything people look for in an everyday life is only to survive? Should they not be happy that the have survived thus far without the power of wealth? Why do we make wealth or in our terms money the center of our happiness?
In the end, people are pursuing happiness. According to Aristotle there are three types of happiness. One is the man who is caught up in pleasure referred to as vulgarity according to the reading. The second is the political and thirdly is the contemplative. The political is the type of man that pursues his "honour" to guarantee his goodness in the long run. The function of man is to be happy. Happiness is defined as something final and self satisfying. Happiness comes from the soul and in harmony with perfect virtue. Therefore the student of politics who has devoted time to learning should have studied the virtue of all things because he desires to make his citizens good and submissive to the laws. At the end of Book I Aristotle states a man’s character should consist of good temperament.
To my understanding what Aristotle meant in Book 1 is that people at the end always pursuit for their own happiness.There for, people work hard or try very hard to achieve that thing that at the end of the day will bring happiness to them . Every human always aim for their own good. Having a good life and making good action are the criteria of Happiness.Actions desired for themselves.
In Book 1 Aristotle claims there are three types of happiness, the type that is experienced through wealth, the type that is political and lastly the type that is contemplative. Overall humans' lives revolve around making one happy. Basically the function of man is to be happy. I believe that this statement is true because everyone lives to experience happiness. Though happiness lies in the eye of the beholder all humans live to pursue happiness in their lives no matter what it is. Even in the U.S. Bill of Rights it states that every man has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore I believe the function of man is to obtain or experience happiness in life. The real thing about happiness is that it is desired by man and the road to obtaining it is the challenge we dedicate ourselves to overcome.
Book I of Nicomachean Ethics discusses happiness. People who achieve happiness do so from practicing a good for itself and not for the outcome. Virtue and honor seem to be a big part of achieving happiness. I feel that a just man receives honor and respect, but is he just so he can receive this positive attention resulting in happiness or is he just because it is the right thing to do. Also another point was made that I agree with, a blind man might view happiness in relation to having sight and a poor man might feel that happiness is achieved with wealth. In my opinion, to further this topic, I believe that is true, however if a blind man ever gets to see and a poor man receives wealth, depending on how they use it, it can bring them happiness and pleasure or it can bring the pain and misadventure. Depending on the blind man’s outlook on life and how the poor man decided to use his newfound wealth, happiness may or may not be achieved. Does money bring happiness itself or do the things that can be attained and purchased bring happiness?
When we act while in a normal way, all our actions have a purpose to accomplish something good for our own self. Although we do not think about it up front or specifically seek it, there's an overall good that we strive for. We say that this overall good is happiness, but there are a lot of opinion on how a person can tell wen their happy. Happiness is a first principle and therefore it is precious and divine. Happiness is virtue of the soul.
After reading the text Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle,I concluded that the function of man in society is to aquire a sense of happiness on earth, by becoming educated, rejoice in virtue and being active as a served purpose. This form of learning is believed to help man attain good things in life and become good by nature. In addition, the act of good that man is perusing is to master arts that are preferred by many to satisfy ones own interest to be good. In general, being naturally good from the heart is better than just practicing good in a form of activity, because you can be perceived as good but really have bad intentions. Then again, how can you know what is good? To determine your true mastery if there isn't any bad? In general, the criteria of happiness is determined in my opinion, by perception. We choose our own destiny for the sake of happiness, which is also the end action. People also live their lives suitable for honor and not for happiness. As a result, doing good for a end result and desire is seeking happiness as a whole.
Man is constantly trying to pursue happiness, and a sense of wellbeing or belonging to this earth. This book discusses how happiness can be sought in a variety of ways, revealing the differences in how most would define happiness. The book discusses how some associate happiness with good fortune. Meaning one who is fortunate with either wealth or beauty is more likely to obtain happiness then someone who is without these qualities. On the contrary, others associate happiness with virtue or moral excellence. I feel happiness is a much more divine state. Happiness that lies in fortune is in genuine and not universal, making it far from truth. Moral excellence can also be argued, leading back to the whole argument of what the universal sense of morality or justice even is.
After reading this i found out that happiness is the key for ones life. Although many people might diagree at the end the people desire happiness. In my opinion i feel that happiness doesnt come from having money or the best cars and homes because alot of rich people are greety and thay just dont thank god for what they have. Their are many goles that people have in life but what everyone seems to forget is that without happiness theirs really no point in living. In order to gain happiness you must be just and fare because that where true happiness comes from.
I think he is trying to say not every is pursuing happiness for it consequences. we pursue happiness for what it desires. one must be good and fair to others in life to gain happiness. a good man who is educated in every thing can judge someone else but an uneducated man cant judge someone else.
I think that what is trying to said is that every body is trying to persue not bacause of what it comes with but bacuse is what u want .Happyness that greatest thing that any one could experience .people have also diffrent aspect of what happyness could identify to them to some it means luxury and pleasure for others is intellegence n virtu..over all i think that function of a man wen identify happyness with pleasure .A man hsa to be in complete satifaction to be consider a happy mann that would be including everything that goes on in his life as well...
Coming off of Plato's Holiness and Justice, now we start to talk about Aristotle's idea of Happiness. For Aristotle, Happiness is not the state of in which a person is in, but rather this invisible energy that the person carries with his/her self. So the idea i just living well is not happiness for Aristotle. Happiness is like the idea of telos, which Aristotle mention, with every question we are faced, another question pops up, and in the end of every chain of questions, the answer may always be " Why do u want to be happy?" and as the last question the ONLY answer there can be is "I just do" For me, I see Happiness in a perspective of long term and Short term. Having a short term happiness means the "happiness" in which u are feeling right now will be gone within a shor period of time. But the idea of long term happiness , it is some thing that can't be affected by outside influence, it is the ultimate state/feeling that i person get.
In book I of Nocomachean Ethics, Aristotle tell us that "every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good..." And the ultimate goal that every human soul aims at, is happiness. for example, we come to school to get an education so we can earn more money,live a better life, and provide for our family. we pursuit a higher education and other things in life with one purpose: to find hapiness. for Aristotle, happiness "is somting final and self-sufficient, and is the end of action." everything we pursuit in life aims at something more that just reaching our goals, it aims at finding the reason of our existence. Then, when we find the reason of our existence, we can find what is happiness. From what i understood from the text, this the function of man. Once a man find the true purpose of his life and within the state, then he will find happiness.
This story is very intriguing to me. The main focus of this story is good. The plot is that everyone wants to know more about good. Everyone wants to be Good but they realize that their is a Supreme Good and that is when you pursue something for its own sake. They come to a conclusion that the supreme good is happiness. But each person has a different opinion on what happiness really is. Some common people think happiness is sensual pleasures you get out of life. Others think that it is receiving honors. Everyone's main concern is how to be good and what is truly considered good.
In book 1 Aristotle happiness is the state of truly finding oneself and bearing the weight of solemn and lonely. The happiness can only come from oneself and having the invisible energy to be happy. When he states ugly individuals wouldn't feel a sense of happiness because of the way they seem themselves. Aristotle mentions happiness then in something final and is self sufficient and is the end action. Finding happiness is the key idea in book and in the world not just money, intolerance, idealism. Many people differ of what happiness means to them it could be desires, traveling, awards, etc Depending on the old and poor man out look on life money gets you so far; in the end when the money runs out and your broke the people will disappear along with the happiness that came with it. So for me money doesn't bring you happiness only by having family friends will make your life happy.
every human is pursing for good at the end. They only pursue good for it self. We can't really reach the farthest of good, we can only reach some of it. And people want to reach the end of good for alot of happiness. And happiness falls in the criteria of good. People also relate happiness to receiving ultimate pleasure of things such as pleasure from food, adventure, entertainment etc. Good is great cause it can make us happy. A man needs to function well in order to receive happiness. Functioning is part of our everyday life. Function of humans are trying to reach extreme happiness because that is the dead of good.
All our acts and purpose aims some good. An act is good when it satisfies a need and this satisfaction is good only when it satisfies some further need and it is more good if it satisfies another further need. In turn it reaches the point where we are no longer looking for some end but that point is an end itself which is describes as the highest goal by the Aristotle. Happiness is regarded as an end in itself so we can describe happiness as the ultimate goal of our life. As the nature of happiness varies from person to person in terms of how they experience and achieve it. so we can not completely call happiness as the ultimate goal until it is specified as what kind of happiness is most desirable. Some find happiness in the sensual pleasures, some in wealth and some in contemplation. Anything is defined as being good only when it serves its purpose of its existence. A man is good only when it fulfills its ability. Man has the ablity to do reasoning. Our soul is composed of intellectual and moral virtues. Intellectual virtue is rational consisting understanding and wisdom whereas moral virtue is irrational consisting physical desires. So only intellectual virtue raises the happiness of our soul without being excess for achievement.
I think what this is trying to say is that everyone is pursuing happiness not because of it consequence? but because it for itself is all you desire. That happiness is the best thing that anyone can experience. But to experience it you have to be a good and virtuous man. And as said in class a virtuous man is one that practices good on all fronts even when it in no way benefits him and even if it hurts him, but he is doing it for the sake of being virtuous. In doing and practicing these actions he will naturally obtain happiness which is the best thing one can achieve.?
ReplyDeleteBook I had a lot of talk about virtue, happiness and the goods of life. What he mentions in most of he places is seeking the good. In the book, he quotes, "The life of money-making is one undertaken under compulsion, and wealth
ReplyDeleteis evidently not the good we are seeking; for it is merely useful and for the sake of something else. And so one might rather take the
aforenamed objects to be ends; for they are loved for themselves.But it is evident that not even these are ends;yet many arguments
have been thrown away in support of them. Let us leave this subject,then." From this I came to a conclusion that he definitely thinks that wealth cant bring the true good. It may satisfy the human needs, but real good is not in money or material. Talking about pleasure, he mentions "Their life is also in itself pleasant. For pleasure is a state of soul, and to each man that which he is said to be a lover of is pleasant." Pleasure, is one necessity for happiness, according to him. But some of the parts were confusing to me as well, especially when he says if happiness is to be acquired by learning or by habituation, or some other type of training, or it comes in virtue of some divine providence.
I believe that people are trying to pursuit happiness, which is considered a good. A person is not complete without happiness. In other words, if a person possess the virtue of beuty, which is also considered a good, that person is not complete of he/she does not possess the good of happiness. However, having a virtue is always good but a the same time being happy is good as well. Moreover, I think that the function of man is to identify happiness with pleasure. For example, to identify this good, the man has to enjoy what he likes in life in order for him to pursuit happiness.
ReplyDeletei think that what people are persuing in the end is happiness,happiness for their own sake. Different people have differen opinion on what happines realy is for some luxury and pleasure is happiness,for others intelligent and virtues, but intelligent and virtues are not only god on their self but good because they make us happy.Happiness is the highest good in life, people do things in life so that they can be happy. And i believe that the fuction man have in life is to seek for happiness on all the things they do in life.
ReplyDeleteIn the text he mentions three types of people that enjoy happiness from there lifestyles. The person who enjoys happiness in wealth the person who enjoys being a political head and the person who is contemplative. He mentions most of these people are finding happiness in other things rather than true happiness. Obviously to achieve true happiness you need to know what happiness is. You need to be happy for the sake of goodness and goodness can be achieved through being pious and just. So can a regular person achieve happiness easily? or does that person have to really think about what hes doing to achieve happiness and what the consequences are?
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the text I think the author is saying that people are pursuing some type of "good".The criteria for happiness is the "good life" and "good action".The author states "The funtion of man is an activity of soul which follows a rational principle". I think what the author is saying that no matter what people pursue in life; ultimately they want to be happy. If People get honour , pleasure, and money; they want those things to make them happy. So happiness is the " chief good" because people want happiness for itself, not for the sake of something else.
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ReplyDeleteFrom reading book 1 I definitely concluded that throughout society let alone history itself men always strived for happiness. Whether the happiness comes from wealth.politically, or even just thinking about happiness, truly enjoying happiness is the key to living a good life. In my opinion, you cannot truly reach happiness through means of money, but it is key to obtaining that goal. For example, the homeless or the poor cannot foresee true happiness for it is almost impossible being that they have to stress when are they receiving their next meal, where are they going to sleep that night, and if they even have clothes on there back to keep them warm. Everyone has their duties in life, and for many their duties are their careers, feeding their family, even getting that A for their final grade. But deep down beyond all of that what everyone really wants out of their lives is true happiness. I really do believe everyone's manifest function in life is to find true happiness and their sense of belief of achieving true happiness. Everything else, careers,clothing,success,grades, and so on are only latent functions of what people believe are their duties in life. a young man grows old not succeeding in his life and becoming wealthy (which is almost on everyones mind and goals now) he will face unhappiness but only because society has made these standards to live by. He will grow old never understanding true happiness, nor will he truly ever feel happy. So, why search for happiness when everything people look for in an everyday life is only to survive? Should they not be happy that the have survived thus far without the power of wealth? Why do we make wealth or in our terms money the center of our happiness?
ReplyDeleteIn the end, people are pursuing happiness. According to Aristotle there are three types of happiness. One is the man who is caught up in pleasure referred to as vulgarity according to the reading. The second is the political and thirdly is the contemplative. The political is the type of man that pursues his "honour" to guarantee his goodness in the long run. The function of man is to be happy. Happiness is defined as something final and self satisfying. Happiness comes from the soul and in harmony with perfect virtue. Therefore the student of politics who has devoted time to learning should have studied the virtue of all things because he desires to make his citizens good and submissive to the laws. At the end of Book I Aristotle states a man’s character should consist of good temperament.
ReplyDeleteTo my understanding what Aristotle meant in Book 1 is that people at the end always pursuit for their own happiness.There for, people work hard or try very hard to achieve that thing that at the end of the day will bring happiness to them . Every human always aim for their own good. Having a good life and making good action are the criteria of Happiness.Actions desired for themselves.
ReplyDeleteKevin Granados
ReplyDeletePHI 100-141
In Book 1 Aristotle claims there are three types of happiness, the type that is experienced through wealth, the type that is political and lastly the type that is contemplative. Overall humans' lives revolve around making one happy. Basically the function of man is to be happy. I believe that this statement is true because everyone lives to experience happiness. Though happiness lies in the eye of the beholder all humans live to pursue happiness in their lives no matter what it is. Even in the U.S. Bill of Rights it states that every man has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore I believe the function of man is to obtain or experience happiness in life. The real thing about happiness is that it is desired by man and the road to obtaining it is the challenge we dedicate ourselves to overcome.
Book I of Nicomachean Ethics discusses happiness. People who achieve happiness do so from practicing a good for itself and not for the outcome. Virtue and honor seem to be a big part of achieving happiness. I feel that a just man receives honor and respect, but is he just so he can receive this positive attention resulting in happiness or is he just because it is the right thing to do. Also another point was made that I agree with, a blind man might view happiness in relation to having sight and a poor man might feel that happiness is achieved with wealth. In my opinion, to further this topic, I believe that is true, however if a blind man ever gets to see and a poor man receives wealth, depending on how they use it, it can bring them happiness and pleasure or it can bring the pain and misadventure. Depending on the blind man’s outlook on life and how the poor man decided to use his newfound wealth, happiness may or may not be achieved. Does money bring happiness itself or do the things that can be attained and purchased bring happiness?
ReplyDeleteWhen we act while in a normal way, all our actions have a purpose to accomplish something good for our own self. Although we do not think about it up front or specifically seek it, there's an overall good that we strive for. We say that this overall good is happiness, but there are a lot of opinion on how a person can tell wen their happy. Happiness is a first principle and therefore it is precious and divine. Happiness is virtue of the soul.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the text Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle,I concluded that the function of man in society is to aquire a sense of happiness on earth, by becoming educated, rejoice in virtue and being active as a served purpose. This form of learning is believed to help man attain good things in life and become good by nature.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, the act of good that man is perusing is to master arts that are preferred by many to satisfy ones own interest to be good. In general, being naturally good from the heart is better than just practicing good in a form of activity, because you can be perceived as good but really have bad intentions. Then again, how can you know what is good? To determine your true mastery if there isn't any bad?
In general, the criteria of happiness is determined in my opinion, by perception. We choose our own destiny for the sake of happiness, which is also the end action. People also live their lives suitable for honor and not for happiness. As a result, doing good for a end result and desire is seeking happiness as a whole.
Man is constantly trying to pursue happiness, and a sense of wellbeing or belonging to this earth. This book discusses how happiness can be sought in a variety of ways, revealing the differences in how most would define happiness. The book discusses how some associate happiness with good fortune. Meaning one who is fortunate with either wealth or beauty is more likely to obtain happiness then someone who is without these qualities. On the contrary, others associate happiness with virtue or moral excellence. I feel happiness is a much more divine state. Happiness that lies in fortune is in genuine and not universal, making it far from truth. Moral excellence can also be argued, leading back to the whole argument of what the universal sense of morality or justice even is.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this i found out that happiness is the key for ones life. Although many people might diagree at the end the people desire happiness. In my opinion i feel that happiness doesnt come from having money or the best cars and homes because alot of rich people are greety and thay just dont thank god for what they have. Their are many goles that people have in life but what everyone seems to forget is that without happiness theirs really no point in living. In order to gain happiness you must be just and fare because that where true happiness comes from.
ReplyDeleteI think he is trying to say not every is pursuing happiness for it consequences. we pursue happiness for what it desires. one must be good and fair to others in life to gain happiness. a good man who is educated in every thing can judge someone else but an uneducated man cant judge someone else.
ReplyDeleteI think that what is trying to said is that every body is trying to persue not bacause of what it comes with but bacuse is what u want .Happyness that greatest thing that any one could experience .people have also diffrent aspect of what happyness could identify to them to some it means luxury and pleasure for others is intellegence n virtu..over all i think that function of a man wen identify happyness with pleasure .A man hsa to be in complete satifaction to be consider a happy mann that would be including everything that goes on in his life as well...
ReplyDeleteChih Hao Hsu
ReplyDeleteComing off of Plato's Holiness and Justice, now we start to talk about Aristotle's idea of Happiness. For Aristotle, Happiness is not the state of in which a person is in, but rather this invisible energy that the person carries with his/her self. So the idea i just living well is not happiness for Aristotle. Happiness is like the idea of telos, which Aristotle mention, with every question we are faced, another question pops up, and in the end of every chain of questions, the answer may always be " Why do u want to be happy?" and as the last question the ONLY answer there can be is "I just do"
For me, I see Happiness in a perspective of long term and Short term. Having a short term happiness means the "happiness" in which u are feeling right now will be gone within a shor period of time. But the idea of long term happiness , it is some thing that can't be affected by outside influence, it is the ultimate state/feeling that i person get.
In book I of Nocomachean Ethics, Aristotle tell us that "every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good..." And the ultimate goal that every human soul aims at, is happiness. for example, we come to school to get an education so we can earn more money,live a better life, and provide for our family. we pursuit a higher education and other things in life with one purpose: to find hapiness. for Aristotle, happiness "is somting final and self-sufficient, and is the end of action." everything we pursuit in life aims at something more that just reaching our goals, it aims at finding the reason of our existence. Then, when we find the reason of our existence, we can find what is happiness. From what i understood from the text, this the function of man. Once a man find the true purpose of his life and within the state, then he will find happiness.
ReplyDeleteThis story is very intriguing to me. The main focus of this story is good. The plot is that everyone wants to know more about good. Everyone wants to be Good but they realize that their is a Supreme Good and that is when you pursue something for its own sake. They come to a conclusion that the supreme good is happiness. But each person has a different opinion on what happiness really is. Some common people think happiness is sensual pleasures you get out of life. Others think that it is receiving honors. Everyone's main concern is how to be good and what is truly considered good.
ReplyDeleteIn book 1 Aristotle happiness is the state of truly finding oneself and bearing the weight of solemn and lonely. The happiness can only come from oneself and having the invisible energy to be happy. When he states ugly individuals wouldn't feel a sense of happiness because of the way they seem themselves. Aristotle mentions happiness then in something final and is self sufficient and is the end action. Finding happiness is the key idea in book and in the world not just money, intolerance, idealism. Many people differ of what happiness means to them it could be desires, traveling, awards, etc Depending on the old and poor man out look on life money gets you so far; in the end when the money runs out and your broke the people will disappear along with the happiness that came with it. So for me money doesn't bring you happiness only by having family friends will make your life happy.
ReplyDeleteevery human is pursing for good at the end. They only pursue good for it self. We can't really reach the farthest of good, we can only reach some of it. And people want to reach the end of good for alot of happiness. And happiness falls in the criteria of good. People also relate happiness to receiving ultimate pleasure of things such as pleasure from food, adventure, entertainment etc. Good is great cause it can make us happy. A man needs to function well in order to receive happiness. Functioning is part of our everyday life. Function of humans are trying to reach extreme happiness because that is the dead of good.
ReplyDeleteAll our acts and purpose aims some good. An act is good when it satisfies a need and this satisfaction is good only when it satisfies some further need and it is more good if it satisfies another further need. In turn it reaches the point where we are no longer looking for some end but that point is an end itself which is describes as the highest goal by the Aristotle. Happiness is regarded as an end in itself so we can describe happiness as the ultimate goal of our life. As the nature of happiness varies from person to person in terms of how they experience and achieve it. so we can not completely call happiness as the ultimate goal until it is specified as what kind of happiness is most desirable. Some find happiness in the sensual pleasures, some in wealth and some in contemplation. Anything is defined as being good only when it serves its purpose of its existence. A man is good only when it fulfills its ability. Man has the ablity to do reasoning. Our soul is composed of intellectual and moral virtues. Intellectual virtue is rational consisting understanding and wisdom whereas moral virtue is irrational consisting physical desires. So only intellectual virtue raises the happiness of our soul without being excess for achievement.